Private Data Vs Public Data: What Is The Difference?


Through this article, we are going to find out the difference between private data and public data. Now, what do we mean by ‘Public Data’? The National Statistics Offices in the US and Europe are responsible for the collection, evaluation, management, and anonymity of public data.

The speciality of public data is that it is very authentic as well as stable. The problem with behavioural data, which forms a major part of the third-party data, is that it is not reliable and also not stable.

Let’s take an example, suppose an individual visits a website for second-hand cars. He or she is only interested in such sites until he or she buys a used car, after buying the car, that individual will not be active or a ‘valid customer’ for that market. Public data takes into consideration some of the most important and long-term attributes such as the number of children in the house, the annual income of the family, homeowner or renter, number of cars in the house, educational status, technological experience, etc.

There are some important points or characteristics of public and private data listed below.

Public data does not make use of cookies. On the other hand, private data is based on cookies.

Public data does not include private or personal information while private data involves just private information alone.

Public data takes into account all of the population i.e. 100% of the population.

Private data takes into account only less than 20% of the population.

Note that the public data is very stable while private data is very unstable.

Public data has a CTR of 0.60%. On the other hand, private data has a CTR of 0.09%.

Understand that the analysis or distribution of the public data is established on highly stable attributes. These characteristics include the level of education, the number of children in the house, family income, etc.

While for the private data, the distribution is done based on website visits, clicks, interactions, etc.

The viewability of public data is 61.5%and for private data, the viewability is 50%.

For public data, compliance with GDPR and CCPA is the most important feature.

The data or information regarding an individual is called Private Data. It is justifiably expected that this ‘Private Data’ is completely kept secured. All people in the world have the right to privacy. For cloud data privacy, it is important to encrypt the data. Encryption of data is highly important when we talk about keeping the data on the cloud private.